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"I finally feel like I can connect with people that have been in my shoes even though many do not have brain cancer, they have all been through the brain tumor trauma and anxiety-related issues having to deal with this condition. We have all bounced back great advice, information, and support from day one. I wish I had found this group many years ago. I recommend it to anyone who is struggling with this type of disease or anyone closely connected to the diagnosis who may need support. This group connected me with such great and wonderful people, I cannot be more grateful for every single person that I have spoken to."

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Dr. Rod

"Personally, I can tell you that interacting, sharing, and listening to our daily situations, experiences, ups and downs, has helped me to strengthen my empathy and help the group by providing emotional support, listening, and accompaniment, which is necessary on many occasions when talking about brain tumors. I strongly recommend you take the first step and enter this support group. We’ll be waiting for you with open arms and mind, in order to give the words and the support you need to hear."



"I don’t know what I would’ve done without this group. When Angel asked me if I wanted to join a zoom support group meeting, I said yes but was a little nervous because I never had much success with group sessions in the past. I am so glad I had the courage to join my first meeting, I have never felt judged, only completely welcomed and loved. I have a group of new friends that I look forward to seeing and talking to. Every time I experience something or have a bad day or a good day the first people I want to tell (after my husband) is this group."



"In May of 2020, I began a virtual group for people with memory loss. All members had experienced memory loss and deficits from a variety of issues, but only one with a brain tumor.  The group left me feeling like I needed more; that I wanted to connect with people on the same journey as I. When Angel asked if I would be interested in a virtual group for brain tumor patients, I was thrilled! Finally, I connected to people that get me and understand all the stages and emotions that come with our diagnosis. It has been such a huge part of my recovery to be able to talk freely about my experience. I no longer feel so overwhelmingly isolated and misunderstood." 



"I am so grateful for this support group. When I was told that I had a brain tumor, I was devastated. I felt so scared and alone. I couldn’t find a place with people like me who could understand what I was going through. As soon as I learned of this group, I decided to give it a try and I am so happy that I did. I was welcomed with open arms. Everyone was so kind and really understood me. I have so many friends that I can laugh, cry and talk with. This has become my second family and I look forward to every session. They support me with whatever I am going through and never judge me."



 "I was devastated when I found out I had a brain tumor and was scared. I got involved in some brain tumor support groups but eventually found one I loved which meets via Zoom, the BTZSG. This group has helped me support others, meet other people that “understand” what I went through, and the frustrations I have now (positional vertigo that occurs only at night lying in bed, or on a rare occasion looking up or laying on my back). I encourage ANYONE to join this group, even if you are someone that has another family member/or friend that has or had a brain tumor. You will love it."

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"The sessions feel more like talking to a group of friends around the kitchen table. Facebook or similar social media support groups can feel sterile and lack privacy, but with this group, I feel trust and no judgment. What I find unique is this group really feels like a small community, even though members live throughout the U.S. or in other parts of the world like Australia, New Zealand, or Mexico. I did meet one member who doesn’t live too far from me and another member who grew up a mile away from where I live now…so besides having brain tumors, we have other connections. It’s great to see friendships developing amongst members."



"Had my first surgery in January 2020, I had a stroke during surgery and was also left with one eyelid completely closed. I also caught meningitis but thankfully I’m still here. My second surgery was in June 2020, I had 28 radiotherapy treatments in December 2020 so 2020 was an eventful year for my family and me. I’ve been told with my last mri that things went as expected and that I’m stable. I started having zoom chats with Angel and everyone else and I have to say it’s been a big help to talk to people who understand. I type messages to people who are on Facebook but it’s not the same as talking about it. I think talking helps more and everyone is so friendly it’s definitely worth a try."



"I could not be more thankful for this group of amazing individuals that have nothing but everyone else’s best interest in mind. I was one of those individuals that chose to keep their diagnosis quiet with only a few family members and close friends in the know. It was a long, lonely 6 months of attempting to deal with this diagnosis yet stay strong for the ones I loved most as well as my work family that looked up to me for my, sometimes annoying, optimism and positivity. Then I found a Meningioma Companion and everything changed. I was surrounded by individuals that understood my struggles and validated my fears. They welcomed me with open arms, shared their stories, and have given me the support I needed to face this diagnosis head-on. It was not a group I ever thought I’d be part of but could not be more thankful for the wonderful people I have met." 



"March 20, 2018, I was diagnosed with a posterior fossa meningioma. I was shocked and scared. I had nobody to talk to about this and was beside myself. I found this group about a year ago, and I wish I had this when I was first diagnosed. It would have been a great help during the first few months of uncertainty. After 3 years, I am getting more used to this diagnosis, and have less anxiety, but I will never be the same. Friends have vanished or just do not know what to say, so nothing is said. Very sad situation and very lonely. Thank you, Angel, for caring so much to get this group together and running. It has been a lifesaver. I am currently on watch and wait, and hope I never have to have surgery."



"I was diagnosed in February of 2021and 3 days later I had my craniotomy followed by 6 weeks of radiation. I'm 36, and quite honestly before my diagnosis, I didn’t know meningiomas existed let alone think I could ever have one. My Meningioma came back as grade 2 atypical and my world as I once knew it had completely changed in a matter of seconds. I had never felt so alone. Fast forward, I joined some meningioma support groups on Facebook which were great and all, but I felt I needed something more personal. I found those larger groups were not so warm and fuzzy. That is why I was so grateful when I came across Angel and her Facebook page ‘Meningioma Companion.’ Angel and I spoke on messenger and she explained that her meetings consisted of frequently-held, smaller zoom groups. It was exactly what I needed!"

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"I was diagnosed with a Meningioma on March 17, 2020, and surgery on April 8, 2020, during peak Covid-19 so I was all alone. Three days later when I woke up, I couldn't move my entire right side, I had a mitten on my left hand so I couldn't rip out my IV, couldn’t talk, and I was very agitated and confused. I was diagnosed with a grade 2 Atypical meningioma of the left frontal lobe. I spent 2 weeks in the ICU learning to walk, speak, feed myself, shower, etc. I had several weeks of in-home physical and occupational therapy. I do talk therapy which is helpful but she never had a brain tumor so she can’t relate. I was reluctant to try my first BTZSG but I am so glad I did. I've met wonderful people who I now consider my friends and family. I am so grateful to Angel for encouraging me to join. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. I really believe this group saved my life."

Est. 2020 | Copyright © 2025 Brain Tumor Companion | Meningioma Companion All Rights Reserved - Creative Design credit OCD Gurus


The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. It is shared by individuals with personal experience with brain tumors. Brain Tumor Companion is a public nonprofit charity classified as a 501(c)(3), category 509(a)(2). As a trusted peer-to-peer platform, we are dedicated to providing support, patient advocacy, education, awareness, research funding, and additional resources. Please note that by engaging with Brain Tumor Companion | Meningioma Companion you authorize us to communicate with you through email, phone, social media, and other channels. For more information, email

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